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Our team > Lara Parkinson
Lara Parkinson

Lara believes coaching offers a safe space for people to be more reflective and tap into their internal strength.
By providing a way for individuals to view challenges and opportunities from a different perspective, Lara feels that coaching allows people to reach goals they may not have thought they could.
She is passionate about career development, leadership development, performance development and inclusion and loves helping individuals to build their confidence, find balance and make their next move.
Lara is an Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor, Facilitator and OD Practitioner.
Lara works with individuals from various backgrounds, sectors and levels of seniority.

I got a promotion that I’d worked really hard for, and I was really excited about, but then imposter syndrome hit. My boss put me in touch with Lara and we had 6 sessions together. She quickly put me at ease and helped me to work through any apprehension I had about the opportunity We worked on my confidence and being okay with not knowing everything. It was fun yet challenging and I really benefited from her coaching. I would definitely work with her again!.
Senior Manager Private Banking Organisation
I have never had someone willing to commit their time to me in the way you did. No one has ever shown such a personal interest, or helped me to think through what I want from my career. I can’t thank you enough!
Local Authority Employee

Key skills
Executive coaching; relationship management; managing challenging conversations; leadership coaching; career and transition coaching; coaching for Inclusion, transformation and change; organisational development; organisational design; business coaching; leadership development; managing change; facilitation; workshop design, psychometrics; 360 feedback facilitation; diversity, inclusion and belonging.
Lara likes to have fun, whilst rapidly building psychological safety to get to crux of an issue. She provides a nice balance of support and challenge focused on helping people to develop and reach their full potential. Lara takes a holistic approach to her work, believing that finding a balance in all areas of life, contributes to enhanced performance in the workplace, better relationships and increased resilience.
Professional memberships
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
Career background
Lara has worked in HR and Organisational Development for over 18 years, looking at all aspects of colleague experience. For the last 10 years of Lara’s career, she has passionately focused on individual, team and leadership development, creating award winning programs and dedicating herself to coaching those who want to reach their potential.
Lara started her career within the private sector and then in 2011 she joined the NHS spending the last 3 years working across health, social care and the third sector. Having held several senior positions within HR & OD Lara has significant experience of working with organisations to build and embed development strategies, facilitate culture change and support transformations. Lara specialises in leadership and talent development, career development, improving performance and inclusion through an OD lens.
Qualifications and training
Masters in Human Resource Management (CIPD); Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Leadership; Level 7 Certificate in Coaching Supervision (ILM) (in progress); Level 5 Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring (CMI ); Bsc Hons HR & Information Systems; Psychometrics – Lumina Spark
Find out more about our coaching services or contact us to discuss your next step.
We are
professionally and experientially qualified, regularly supervised and have appropriate professional memberships. CBC is a corporate member of the Association for Coaching.
We offer
individual coaching to executives, and leaders and managers of various levels as well as group and team coaching
We follow
professional guidelines, principles and competencies including the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors