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Our team > Tricia Richardson
Tricia Richardson

Tricia has developed coaching strategies that embrace emotional intelligence coupled with the ability to tap into own wisdom.
Tricia supports people through, The Thinking Environment to create their own inroads and options. The beauty of this approach is that it works at both an individual level and at a group level and has enabled Tricia to witness profound change both in those individuals and herself.
Tricia is a Leadership Development Coach (accredited to use MBTI, SDI, Emotional Intelligence Leadership and Brain Talents profiles), Facilitator and Consultant.
Tricia has considerable experience across several industries including NHS, Financial Services and Public Transport.

The coaching sessions have been valuable. I think they might actually be life changing. I find the coaching helps me to prioritise and strategize and helps me to order my thoughts. It has changed the way I approach issues, helping me to make a much more ordered approach and to also consider options and alternatives, to work out the best way forward for the things I am trying to work on. I really believe that the coaching has made me a better manager and a better friend.
Executive Director
Trish was calm, reflective and supportive. She helped me to reflect on the areas I wanted to develop and also to focus on my “noble goal” and how I was going to get there. She helped me to gain great clarity over my purpose and what I wanted from work and also supported me to unpick some tricky relationships, leadership challenges and to reflect upon my own leadership style and what I could do to be as impactful as possible to the team and Firm, while still satisfying my own values.”
PartnerLaw Firm

Key skills
Coaching; Leadership Development; Talent Management; Engagement; Time to Think Consultant; Facilitation; Emotional Intelligence Practitioner (use of various Emotional Intelligence reports including Leadership and Brain Talent Profiles) SDI level 2 and MBTI.
Based on the needs of the client Tricia uses coaching strategies that embrace a combination of emotional intelligence and tapping into their own wisdom.
Tricia’s main coaching style is Time to Think, which seeks to create a thinking environment to ignite thinking rather than engage in exchange thinking. Tricia listens to ignite, not to respond, which is the singular purpose of being in a Thinking Environment. You may have heard about ‘untrue limiting assumptions’; these are incredibly powerful and often go undetected, as they are so integrated within us that we accept them without challenge. They block us from achieving our outcomes. Tricia creates the conditions in which you can free yourself from their grip.
Career background
Tricia has worked expansively in many domains, including Human Resources, Leadership and Development and Organisational Development. Her career has spanned several industries, including NHS, Financial Services and Public Transport.
Qualifications and training
MSc in Human Resource Management; BA Honours in Business; ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring; City & Guilds D32 & D33; SDI Level 1 & 2; SDI Masterclass in Performance Management Strategies; Diploma in Coachign Supervision; Alpha Leadership Level 7 (Action Learning Sets); MBTI; Emotional Intelligence Practitioner and Assessor; ARQ Accredited to use and interpret MTQ 48: Mental Toughness; Accredited by VMPS to facilitate Lean Rapid Process Improvement Workshops; Licensed to facilitate Firework Career Coaching.
Professional memberships
CIPD; Collegiate Member of Time to Think; Member of Association for Coaching
Find out more about our coaching services or contact us to discuss your next step.
We are
professionally and experientially qualified, regularly supervised and have appropriate professional memberships. CBC is a corporate member of the Association for Coaching.
We offer
individual coaching to executives, and leaders and managers of various levels as well as group and team coaching
We follow
professional guidelines, principles and competencies including the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors